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Back Garden Update


Life has been quite busy. I believe as busy as it was during the spring and summer months with working out in the garden. Just super active in a different way. Life can be that way.

As you can see some green still out back. The asparagus and on the farside of the garden by the side gate are the amazing bok choy still growing. These were volunteers from the ones I saved seeds from later in the summer It survived the frosty weather we had a few weeks back. I will take anything that will keep providing our family food.

I am already planning out where and what I want to plant next year. My potatoes were planted about 4 or so weeks ago. Praying they will do well. With a small, medium or large homestead there is always something to do.

Next week I need to pull up some more weeds and place more straw down. Oh, the garlic I have growing are doing well. Should have a lot of garlic to harvest next spring. My hope is that as you are reading my blog that you are getting your food, personal and medical preps gathered weekly. A little bit at a time will eventually have you covered in any type of emergency situation.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

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