A long time ago I learned that the act of having to replant some veggie seeds will happen. Every year we have a garden it happens. Sometimes I plant a bit too early and the earth is not warmed up yet, squirrels digging up the garden to bury their nuts, chipmunks are just plain destructive.
This year I have had to replant the following veggies twice...Lettuce, kale, grand bell peppers, pickling cucumbers, onions, and a few more. What did I learn with some of these veggies? First, I do need to wait a few more weeks into May to plant in the ground with those veggies. Yet, the squirrels and chipmunks have caused some problems too.
Homesteading is a slow progress and full of experimentation and learning. I do take notes year to year and have a map where I have planted. That way I can rotate my next years planting area.
My mother told me several times growing up that your never too old to learn new things. That's how I feel with homesteading and life in general. Grateful that we have the bit of acreage to have a nice big garden to help feed my family and cut our grocery costs.
Have a fantastic day!!!
