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  • torchlightgirl

First Day Of Winter

Happy day to you. Yes, today is the first day of winter. Though it sure feels like it has been around for several weeks here in my neck of the woods. It is the time of the year where those pesky colds and flu's tend to show up in most families homes. At least it does in my home.

Thieves™ essential oil in a blend which I do not ever run out of. To help support our immune systems I add this to the diffuser with Lavender or Lemon. Place a drop on the bottom of my feet then put socks on and even add one drop of the Thieves™ Vitality to a warm cup of herbal tea with honey and lemon.

3 drops each of Thieves™, Lemon and Lavender YL essential oil

Diffuser (one you have on hand)

*Follow directions for your diffuser.

So many ways to use this handy dandy essential oil. The best way to get this oil and other to make your own DIY items for less is to grab yourself one of the simple bundles. Use this link and this discount code: SHAREYL on your first order.

Enjoy your day!

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