A few weeks ago my hubby and I took at vacation. Ever since I began my wellness journey, taking some of my essential oils with me is a must. You never know when an upset tummy, cut, need some calming, and help your hotel room be aromatically pleasing will happen.
When traveliing by airplane, remember to have a quart size zippy bag to place the essential oils in. Then when you arrive at your destination, just put them in the usual bag. I have a soft fabric zippy bag when these stay in on a regular basis.
With all the years flying, there's never been any issues going throught the carry on baggage check. So, make sure to take your oils with you when traveling or away from home in town. Never know when you will need them. Believe me when I say there have been so many times I needed to use these and other oils.
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Have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by.