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All About The Tea Today


Several years ago I learned how to get as many cups of tea out of my herbal bags of tea. There was a time in our married life where we didn't have two nickles to rub together. I heard my mom say that a time or two when I was growing up. She and my dad grew up during the depression era.

What exactly do I do? I use smaller cups to begin with. Then I place the tea bag in the cup and pour my hot water in. I lift the tea bag up then dunk back into the cup about 3 times and use my fingers to gently squeeze the water out. When I am done with that step, I place the tea bag on my little plate sitting in the area of the hot water maker. All ready to go for the next cups of tea.

I have been able to get 5-6 cups of tea from one little bag. My favorite teas are oolong, green and other hearbal teas. I have always been a tea kind of girl.

Even though the Lord continues to provide for our family here in east Tennessee, I will always choose to be frugal. We just don't know what is right around the corner. Hopefully our new President will get our country back on track quickly. I believe Trump will do this.

How can you implement some simple frugal tips into your own life that will make things stretch? I challenge you to do a bit of research on this topic and see what might work for you.

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day!

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