Time has flown by the last few months. Taking care of my garden, canning, freezing, dehydrating and freeze drying has kept me busy weekly. Super important to save money of groceries with what I am doing.
Our first season of using our rain water catch tanks has worked out well. The Lord has kept water in them. Haven't had to use the city water. This keeps our water part of the bill down. Anything to keep money in our pocket is important.
I am making posts that will come up every Tuesday at 2 pm EST. These posts will be more simple one dish meals, desserts, bread recipes and how to get started on prepping food for short term and long term. Including more essential oil uses for wellness support.
Prices on food and everything else is not going down at this moment. I watch Applachia's Homestead with Patera on YouTube. She has some great videos on what is going on right now in our world, canning and more.
My first tip for prepping short term storage foods on a budget is to look at the sales. Start with 5 cans of food you eat and a few pounds of rice or beans. Place the rice and beans in a 1 quart mylar bag with 2 -500cc oxygen absorber and a bay leaf. I do this and have found great success. Make sure to heat seal the top of the mylar bag. Write the date you did this and what is inside. Good to have these for a rainy day or to barter.
In closing for today, keep praying and prepping.
Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day.