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Cleansing from Fragrance Overuse


Fragrance Detox:

For many years I thought the products I was using were fragrance free. Though, with further research I discovered many of the fancy words were toxic chemicals and some with fragrance and not labeled. Once I switched over to the essential oils in everything I make and use my health began to improve.

So, how do you start removing these products from your life? What is hidden in your personal and household products. What if you’ve been burning, spraying, and applying fragrance chemicals for years? With over 1,200 flagged problematic fragrances on the market, chances are you’ve gotten a wee bit of an overdose. A lot of these irritating chemicals are even fat soluble, which means that your body will store them up in your tissues every time they find their way into your bloodstream. Sounds kind of terrifying, right?

But never fear, your body is a lean, mean detox machine. IF you give it the right tools, rest, and support to do what it does best. If you’re really tired of the skin issues, headaches, organ damage, hormone disruption, and a hosts of other issues, the best way to start is with a break from the onslaught. You’ll always have some exposure when you’re out in public places, but you are the gatekeeper of your own home so begin there by creating a space safe for your body to breathe and relax.

Go check out some common products in your home such as: * Candles * Room sprays * Air fresheners * Household cleaners * Laundry detergent (HUGE one) * Fabric softeners * Deodorants * Sunscreen * Body wash * Soap * Body lotions * Makeup * Facial cream * Skin toner * Hair masks * Exfoliating scrubs * Makeup setting spray * Dry shampoo * Serums * Styling sprays * Hair gels and mousses * Children’s scented products

Check the ingredients and look for fragrances. These can be hidden ways that isolated and manipulated versions of the way fragrance beautifully occurs in nature can sneak in if you’re not very conscious of the source of the aromatics in your products. It all depends on WHERE it’s coming from. Even things labeled natural or as essential oils can be a cover story for adulterated ingredients. Your nose will learn to quickly tell the difference.

Decide to give yourself a two week break from fragrance-filled products. Gather up the products, put them away in your garage or somewhere where the fumes and smells aren’t all around you, and focus on these habits. - Breathe deeply - Drink lots of water - Avoid alcohol (this takes a huge load off of your liver so it can work more efficiently) - Take walks - Get some rest - Fill your body with good cleansing nutrients like those in Ningxia Red

Your liver, kidney, and lymph system are a triple threat to these toxic intruders. Love on them and they’ll fight a real war on your behalf. Research shows that even a few days can give you amazing results.

But your body’s natural detox systems can only filter so much junk at a time. If you overload them by eating processed foods or drinking alcoholic beverages, there’s a very good chance that they’ll never get around to eliminating unwanted toxins - or reversing the damage caused by carcinogenic fragrance chemicals.

The body has to prioritize its energy. It prefers to deal with highly toxic compounds like ethanol (from alcohol), ammonia or mercury before it starts metabolizing the chemicals that cause long-term cellular damage. So if you want the long term damage cleaned up, minimize your short term exposure for a season to see what your results can be.


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