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Holiday Calming Diffusing Mix


Christmas preps are in full steam ahead in my household. I make a lot of homemade gifts with what I have on hand or picked up components when they were on sale or at my local thrift store. Yes, I have been very frugal for a very long time. Plus, this add a personal touch of love in each gift I make.

Sometimes my day can get a little stressful with homesteading and just living this type of lifestyle. Especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I am still canning specific things like jam from the wild blackberries on our little patch of blessings and making bone broths from the chicken and beef bones.

When I have moments in my days this time of year, I pop a few drops of the following oils in my diffuser and keep on moving forward. Within minutes a wave of amazing aromatic calmness is floating through my home. Give this a try today.

3 drops each of Lavender, Stress Away™ and Lemon Young Living essential oils

Diffuser ( Anyone you have on hand)

*Follow directions on the diffuser you have.

Enjoy your day!


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