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How I Love My Seedlings


Well, here are a few of the seedlings I currently have growing. There's been some failures and I have expected that. Goes with the territory of homesteading you know. I have replanted some of my tomatoes out in the garden and they are doing quite well. My broccoli didn't unfortunately. I had to just plant seed in the ground. Praying they will have no issues coming up.

Several months ago I watched a video on YouTube about cutting the tops of carrots and placinging them in water to begin sprouting. My main goal is to get those carrots going for seed collecting. This definately is worth a try in my book. I have two currently getting more sprouts on it and planted the others in a small pot. Within 3 years, my goal is to never have to purchase seeds again. This is one way I can save money for my family. Also, if something should really go bad in our county I will have a nice little nest egg of veggie seeds I can use.

For me starting with planting the seeds then transplanting as they get older is really a great joy.. Watching and caring for these veggies to end up producing and feeding myself and family.

Hope y'all have a fantastic day.


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