Our little grove of fruit trees grew a few weeks back. Super excited to have pears. I like them a lot and in a few years they will give us some amazing food to add in our lives. There was a good sale at our local nursery and another place. My hubby is the one who finds the fruit trees.
Inflation is rising constantly. There are food items that I refuse to buy anymore due to the price. I find other items to either replace them with or I don't buy them. That's okay, God continues to take care of our family.
Back to the addition of these beautiful trees. I have future plans of canning these pears. Having canned items on my shelf from my garden and property is very important. First, no chemicals and are all grown in organic ways. We do not use any chemicals on our lawn, garden, property as a whole.
The little things in life make me super happy honestly. New fruit trees makes my day. Keep praying, prepping and living life daily.
Thanks for stopping by!!!