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Seed Saving


Check out this huge gallon size bag of sunflower seeds. Every single one is from the sunflowers I grew last year. Just recently I got around to getting these cleaned up and taken care of.

Did you know that seed saving is a very important part of homesteading? It is for me. Been doing it for years. By saving the seeds from the veggies and fruits you grow means you will never have to purchase veggie seeds again unless you want to.

Last year I grew butternut, acorn squash and pumpkins from the seeds I had saved from veggies the year before.

With the times as they are currently in our own country, planting a garden should be done. I see it as a must have for everyone. Even planting in bags or pots is the room is little.

Homesteading for me is very hard work. Yes, my hubby helps with getting the ground together and rototilled. I do all the planting and take care of the garden. Knowing this act of love for my family will keep us healthier, save us money on food and can help others when the time comes.

So, today I leave you with this....Have you started a veggie garden no matter the size yet?


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