This year I have had so many tomatoes. Really thankful to the Lord for them. I planted a good amount so I could have enought to eat and can. My goal is to not buy canned tomato sauce or diced tomatoes again. The hubby bought me an immersion blender recently. This will be the quick way to make tomato sauce.
My hope is that everyone planted some type of garden this year. Whether in bags, buckets, garden boxes or im the ground. For, the price of food has sky-rocketed. I have to be very aware of the change in prices when I shop.The inflation is eating into our food budget. Some food items I won't buy anymore. Several months ago I researched online for items to replace the ones I will not purchase due to the high ridiculous prices.
For example, canned house brand spam. It went from 1.95 to 2.15 within weeks. I am keeping my eyes open for specials on canned beans again. They have protein and can be added to other one pot dishes. Casseroles are a main type dinner for us. I do like to add tomatoes to whatever I make. Gives it that extra yummy taste.
In the up coming weeks keep an eye out for some recipes that I have been making with photos.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!!
