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Who Will You Fully Trust?


We are living is totally crazy times at the moment. Wait, for several years now it has been Seems like evil is being thrown in our face daily by very evil people. I try not to get stressed out about it.

Matthew 24:1-51clearly tells us the signs of the end of days. All kinds of events to come before Christ's return. Until then, I live my life simply. Homesteading is part of what God has led me to do. Who dosen't like fresh safe to eat veggies??? Plus, being able to save that money for other areas of your life.

Salvation is Christ Jesus alone. John 3:16. Many more scriptures that talk about salvation. My trust is in Christ alone and having a heart of contentment is important. This is who I am. Just a bit of insight to who I am.

Have a fantastic day!!!


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