Have you ever asked yourself this question? Is it hard work? Can you make something out of what you are able to find that is FREEand safe to eat? The answer is "YES"!!
I never thought about foraging till sometime early 2022. I have always tried to have a small garden in the homes we lived in. yet, foraging was totally new to me. There are many books out there about foraging. Find something that will be helpful for you.
Summer 2022 my hubby noticed some vines that looked like wild grapes growing in a mass of green type small trees. Sure enough he was correct. We picked a very small amount of grapes. Exactly 2 large metal bowls full. This didn't touch how many more were available.
After picking and processing the grapes, I ended up with 2 full gallon size freezer bags with juice. Fast forward months later and I grabbed one bag to use. Simply defrosted the juice yesterday and made the 7 half pints today. 5 cups of juice and 6 cups sugar with 1 box of pectin. Followed the directions in my canning book and it turned out perfectly.
For me, working hard to process a fruit for free is totally worth it. There is another bag of juice in the freezer and will be making some more in a week or two. Today was a great accomplishment of a homestead prepping goal. Homemade jam is so much better. No bad ingredients whatsoever.
Do you have a friend who has lots of wild fruit growing or other edible plants on their property? Ask if you can do a little foraging. Never hurts to ask.
