So, you are most likely trying to figure out what "Leftoverville" is. Well, I take leftovers in my freezer and fridge and make something tasty for my family. I made a creamy soup with a little bit of veggies and some chicken in the freezer. I keep little containers or sandwich bags of bits of meat and veggies. When I have enough to make a meal, I pull them all together with seasonings.
This creamy soup turned out amazing being served with homemade sour dough bread slices. Healthy and filling. Of course there was a little left the next day. I had this soup for lunch.
Bits of meat: Chicken, turkey, pork or beef. What you have on hand.
Steamed veggies frozen from another meal. Mine were green beans, carrots. I did add a little of dehydrated kale to the mix.
Seasonings: Dill, salt, pepper, granulated garlic
Dried onions: About 2 TBS ( I keep a container of these on hand)
1 can of evaporated milk and 1 can water for the white sauce recipe instead of fresh milk. Using powdered mile reconstituted works too.

I combine all the ingredients except the white sauce in a good size pot. Add some water and let everything simmer for a bit to become hot. In a separate smaller pot make the white sauce via recipe. Then when sauce is done add to the soup pot and simmer and stirring constantly till soup is a bit thicker. Serve and enjoy.
Make sure to check out my videos on Rumble. You will find me cooking, doing life and homesteading on a small scale.
Have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by.
