A few months back I began making a meal calendar. I already had the erase board calendar and the erasable markers. Since doing this, my meal making time is steam lined and goes much quicker. I get the ingredients from my pantry and freezer first thing in the morning.
One thing I began this month is writing the cookbook and page number of the recipe. This saves me the time looking for it. The second task I began is writing my recipes in a small book for reference. Again, saves me time looking through all the cookbooks for the recipes.
Sure this nice little organized meal calendar is fantastic! Though, sometimes I change what I have place on a date due to wanting something else or we have a family event and won't be home for the day. This is called freedom and making a good idea fit for you that works best. That's why I use a white board which can be erased.
Here is what a page in my book looks like.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.
